How do you find time to ham-it-up?
I find that it is sometimes very hard to have the time to get on the air. The only time/place that I can regularly get on the air in during my commute. The 112ish miles round trip in metropolitan Atlanta provide lots of time, but I am not talking about finding the time on 2M,…
Do you Simplex?
First off I guess I should define what Simplex is. Simplex communication refers to communication that occurs in one direction only. Two definitions have arisen over time: a common definition, which is used in ANSI standard and elsewhere, and an ITU-T definition. The ITU definition of simplex is termed “half duplex” in other contexts. ANSI…
Soapbox on getting new hams active
I was listening to a Ham Radio Podcast (resonant frequency) and he brought up a good point and factoid. Out of every 20 newly licensed Technicians only 1 will ever get on the air. While my thought is that this is a little low, I thought it might be closer to 5-8, but still a…
Stone Mountain Ham Fest
Spent the morning at the Stone Mountain Ham Fest. I pseudo-elmered KJ4FXQ. He passed his Technician exam back in August and still had not purchased his first rig. He got a ICOM dual band HT, I forget what model, but it was a good deal. He literally bought it right off a vendor’s belt. I…