March 30th #HamCram After Action Report

A Partial Success

On March 30th, I attempted to teach a technician class, #hamcram class, here in Ripley County, Indiana. We had people from the local area, as far south as Tennesee and as far north as West Lafayette, Indiana, and eight students. Things started off well with enthusiastic students and good questions and answers. We provide donuts from the famous Schmidt’s Bakery to motivate our students.

At lunchtime, my wife ran to bring back pizza for the crew, and we got back to the material. About an hour after lunch, I started to lose energy and feel a touch off. I had finally come down with the stomach bug that had hit the rest of the family earlier in the week. Since we had folks from so far away, and I was expecting the Volunteer Examiners (VEs) from the local club to provide testing, I tried to push on and finish the course, but I was nauseous, sweating, and fighting other stomach issues. Finally, we heard that the VE team would not be able to make it that day, and I sadly called it and promised to continue at another time and add a virtual component so those who drove so far did not have to do so in the future.

I expressed my goal of testing for Amateur Extra at Dayton #Hamvention earlier in the day. They decided to try to text virtually or there at the latest. I love our ham community and look forward to trying to keep it growing.

I would have posted this earlier, but as mentioned, I was sick and then had to travel to an Information technology faculty summit for work, and either had no energy or time to do so.

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